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Candidates interested in applying for the positions in NIOT are requested to get registered using the Sign-Up.
After Sign-Up, the candidates are requested to Sign-In and enter their personal details.
Soft copies of all the required documents are to be uploaded. Filenames should not have special characters, tabs or spaces in it. Keep it shorter and relevant.
Before submitting the online application, the applicants are requested to go through carefully the details of the post and content of the post on the website
Please be noted that the online application form is not editable after final submission.
Submit online application along-with legible and scanned copies of educational qualification, experience certificates, date of birth, disability (OH, PH etc.,), caste (ST/SC/OBC) certificate, Ex-servicemen, EWS Certificate, No Objection Certificate in .pdf format not exceeding 2 MB for each document/attachment without any password protection and corrupted pdf file. If the certificates are in a language other than English or Hindi, then attested translation should be uploaded.
The online application should be submitted on the portal on or before 5:30 pm of the closing date mentioned in the advertisement.
Candidates are requested to submit the application well in advance before the closing day to avoid last minute rush, Network issues, difficulty in accessing the portal etc. Request to consider late submissions will not be entertained.
Incomplete application shall be rejected.
Applicants are advised to retain the acknowledgement and printout of the submitted online application for future reference.
In case of difficulty in the submission of online application form please email the queries to recruitment@niot.res.in